73 research outputs found

    Listado actualizado de las medusas de la Laguna de Términos, Campeche, México

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    The composition and abundance of the jellyfish present in 42 zooplankton samples obtained from the Laguna de Terminos, Campeche, during March and October 2009 and November 2010, were analyzed. Seven species were identified, six of them are new geographic records for the zone, and one (Phialopsis diegensis) is also a new record for the Mexican Atlantic. Considering the entire study period, the most abundant species was Helgicirrha schulzei with 52.24% followed by Bougainvillia muscus with 18.04%. The presence of P. diegensis and other previously unrecorded species in the area could be the result of the oceanic influence in the system or are invasive non-indigenous species derived from the impact of human activities and ship traffic, both activities mainly affecting the zooplankton communities of coastal lagoons.Se analizó la composición y abundancia de las medusas presentes en 42 muestras de zooplancton de la Laguna de Términos, Campeche que fueron recolectadas durante marzo y octubre de 2009 y noviembre de 2010. Se identificaron siete especies, seis de ellas son nuevos registros geográficos para este sistema costero y una (Phialopsis diegensis) es también un nuevo registro para el Atlántico mexicano. Considerando todo el periodo estudiado, la especie más abundante fue Helgicirrha schulzei con el 52.24% del total de medusas examinadas, seguida por Bougainvillia muscus con el 18.04%. La presencia de P. diegensis y otras especies no registradas anteriormente en la zona, pueden ser resultado de la influencia oceánica en este sistema o bien son posibles especies invasoras derivadas del impacto de las actividades humanas y el tráfico marítimo, actividades que afectan principalmente a las comunidades del zooplancton en las lagunas costeras

    Los plásticos y el daño a la salud de los seres vivos y a los ecosistemas

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    Modern society has led to a buy, use and throw-away culture, which has caused an almost uncontrollable plastic pollution crisis, to the extent of endangering the health and existence of living creatures. The situation is critical and controversial. On the one hand, there is the comfort generated by plastic in its various uses and forms, and on the other hand, the damage and prejudice to the health of living beings and the environment that its presence in practically the entire planet has begun to cause. A bibliographic search on the subject was carried out to know the status quo of planetary plastic pollution and find out the seriousness of the damage, which is mainly due to the transformation plastic goes through under the effects of climate by turning into microplastics until currently becoming nanoplastics. In conclusion, if general and specific actions are not taken such as non-use, reuse and recycling of plastics, the problem will continue to grow.La modernidad de la sociedad ha llevado a generar una cultura de comprar, usar y tirar, la situación ha provocado que la crisis de contaminación plástica haya alcanzado una dimensión casi incontrolable, al grado de poner en riesgo la salud y existencia de los seres vivos. La situación es crítica y controversial, por un lado, la comodidad que generan los plásticos en su diversidad de usos y formas; por otro, el daño y prejuicio a la salud de los seres vivos y el ambiente que su presencia en prácticamente todo el planeta ha empezado a generar. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica sobre el tema para conocer el statu quo de la contaminación plástica planetaria y la gravedad del daño, el cual se debe principalmente a la transformación que sufre por los efectos del clima convirtiéndose en microplásticos y nanoplásticos. En conclusión, si no se aplican acciones generales y particulares como la no utilización, la reutilización y el reciclado del plástico el problema seguirá en aumento

    Leptin receptor expression during the progression of endometrial carcinoma is correlated with estrogen and progesterone receptors

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    Abstract Introduction: The hormone leptin, which is produced in the adipose tissue, may influence tumorigenesis directly via its receptor (Ob-R). Thus, a role for Ob-R in endometrial carcinogenesis has been proposed. However, most studies neither included samples of the entire histological progression of endometrial carcinoma nor examined Ob-R jointly with the estrogen and progesterone receptors (ER and PR, respectively). Material and methods: To determine the fluctuations of Ob-R, ER, and PR during the histological progression of endometrial carcinoma, we assessed their expression via immunohistochemistry (IHC) in six histological types of endometrium (proliferative, secretory, nonatypical and atypical hyperplasia, and endometrioid and nonendometrioid endometrial carcinoma), in which we performed histopathological and digital scoring for the quantification of receptors. Results: We found that Ob-R expression was positively correlated with that of ER and PR (r = 1, p < 0.001; r = 0.943, p < 0.005, respectively), and there was a significant difference in Ob-R expression among proliferative normal endometrium, hyperplasias, and carcinomas, according to their relative digitally scored Ob-R expression (p < 0.001). In addition, we observed that Ob-R expression in the secretory endometrium was more similar to that of carcinomas than to its proliferative counterpart. Conclusions: These results indicate that Ob-R expression fluctuates during endometrial carcinogenesis in correlation with ER and PR, suggesting that Ob-R expression in vivo is highly dependent on estrogen and progesterone activities in the endometrium and on its ER and PR status, as suggested previously by in vitro studies. Key words: Ob-R, endometrial carcinoma, immunohistochemistr

    Evaluation of DNA Single and Double Strand Breaks in Women with Cervical Neoplasia Based on Alkaline and Neutral Comet Assay Techniques

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    A hospital-based unmatched case-control study was performed in order to determine the relation of DNA single (ssb) and double (dsb) strand breaks in women with and without cervical neoplasia. Cervical epithelial cells of 30 women: 10 with low grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LG-SIL), 10 with high-grade SIL (HG-SIL), and 10 without cervical lesions were evaluated using alkaline and neutral comet assays. A significant increase in global DNA damage (ssb + dsb) and dsb was observed in patients with HG-SIL (48.90 ± 12.87 and 23.50 ± 13.91), patients with LG-SIL (33.60 ± 14.96 and 11.20 ± 5.71), and controls (21.70 ± 11.87 and 5.30 ± 5.38; resp.). Pearson correlation coefficient reveled a strong relation between the levels ssb and dsb (2=0.99, =0.03, and 2=0.94, =0.16, resp.) and progression of neoplasia. The increase of dsb damage in patients with HG-SIL was confirmed by DNA breakage detection-FISH (DBD-FISH) on neutral comets. Our results argue in favor of a real genomic instability in women with cervical neoplasia, which was strengthened by our finding of a higher proportion of DNA dsb

    Functional Verification of Digital Systems Using Meta-Heuristic Algorithms

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    Trends in technological developments, such as autonomous vehicles, home automation, connected cars, IoT, etc., are based on integrated systems or application-specific integrated circuits with high capacities, where these systems require even more complex devices. Thus, new techniques to design more secure systems in a short time in the market are needed. At this point, verification is one of the highest costs in the manufacturing stage and most expensive in the design process. To reduce the time and cost of the verification process, artificial intelligence techniques based on the optimization of the coverage of behavioral areas have been proposed. In this chapter, we will describe the main techniques used in the functional verification of digital systems of medium complexity, focusing especially on meta-heuristic algorithms such as particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithms, and so on. Several results are presented and compared, where the opportunity areas will be described

    Morbilidad y mortalidad en pacientes llevados a gastrectomía por cáncer gástrico

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    Introducción. El cáncer gástrico es la cuarta causa de muerte por cáncer a nivel mundial, con más de un millón de casos diagnosticados cada año. La cirugía con intención curativa sigue siendo el pilar del manejo para los pacientes resecables. La identificación de pacientes con mayor riesgo de morbimortalidad es importante para el proceso de toma de decisiones, sin existir hasta el momento una herramienta ideal. La revisión y el análisis de la experiencia de un centro oncológico de referencia pueden generar información útil. Métodos. Estudio observacional de cohorte histórica, en el que se incluyeron los pacientes llevados a gastrectomía por adenocarcinoma gástrico en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia, entre el 1° de enero del 2010 y el 31 de diciembre del 2017. Resultados. Se evaluaron 332 pacientes, de los cuales el 57,2 % eran hombres con edad promedio de 61 años. La mortalidad en esta serie fue del 4,5 % y la morbilidad de 34,9 %. El factor asociado con mayor riesgo de muerte fue la edad, con un HR de 1,05 (p=0,021). Se encontró un mayor riesgo en el grupo de pacientes con ASA mayor a II (p=0,009). El 17,4 % presentaron complicaciones mayores a IIIA de la clasificación de Clavien-Dindo. Conclusiones. En el presente trabajo las cifras de morbilidad y mortalidad son similares a las reportadas en la literatura. Solo la edad y la clasificación de ASA mostraron asociación con valor estadístico significativo para complicaciones postoperatorias


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    La etapa Lactante es una alternativa de abordaje en la lucha contra la obesidad. Se ha demostrado que existe una relación entre el exceso de peso en ésta etapa, con las principales problemas de salud pública; con base en lo anterior, es necesario buscar factores modificables en el comportamiento de los encargados del cuidado del infante y del equipo de salud para crear conductas que propicien el adecuado desarrollo del individuo. El objetivo de éste estudio es determinar la prevalencia del exceso de peso en lactantes del área metropolitana de Monterrey, a partir de usuarios del programa de atención del niño sano del IMSS, provenientes de seis unidades de medicina familiar. Se estudiaron 400 lactantes a través de la medición de peso y talla, para clasificarlos mediante las tablas diagnósticas nutricionales de la NCHS-CDC/OMS. Se obtuvo una prevalencia del exceso de peso de los lactantes estudiados equivalente al 43.23%. Mostrando que el exceso de peso representa un problema de salud pública creciente en México, el cual requiere el replanteamiento de los programas preventivos en éste sector demográfico, buscando aquellos niños que están adquiriendo patrones patológicos de comportamiento en su ingesta alimentaria. AbstractThe infant stage is an alternative in boarding the struggle against obesity. There has been demonstrated that a relation exists between overweight in this period with the current issues of public health. Due to this, it is necessary to search for adjustable factors in the carers and health team, in order to create appropriate behaviour that propitiates suiable development of the individual. The objective in this study was to determine the prevalence of overweight in Monterrey’s metropolitan area infants who assist the healthy child program from six primary health care units of the Mexican Institute of Social Security. There were studied 400 children under a year of age, to whom they there was realized measurement of weight and height, qualifying by means of the diagnostic nutritional tables of the NCHS-CDC/OMS. The results of this study show that the prevalence rates of excess body weight in infants under a year old in Monterrey’s Metropolitan area are 43.23%. There is a clear that excess body weight represents a problem of public health in México, which needs the rethinking of the preventive programs in this one population sector, in search of those children that are acquiring pathological bosses of behavior in food ingestionPalabras Clave: Lactante, prevalencia, exceso de peso, sobrepeso, obesidad, niños menores de un año

    Reaction Electronic Flux Perspective on the Mechanism of the Zimmerman Di-π-methane Rearrangement

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    The reaction electronic flux (REF) offers a powerful tool in the analysis of reaction mechanisms. Noteworthy, the relationship between aromaticity and REF can eventually reveal subtle electronic events associated with reactivity in aromatic systems. In this work, this relationship was studied for the triplet Zimmerman di-π-methane rearrangement. The aromaticity loss and gain taking place during the reaction is well acquainted by the REF, thus shedding light on the electronic nature of reactions involving dibenzobarrelenes

    Ampliación del área de distribución de la rana Hyalinobatrachium Fleischmanni (Anura: Centrolenidae) en el estado de Puebla y del límite septentrional de su distribución

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    In México, Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni is distributed in the states of Guerrero, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas, and Puebla. We provide records from the Sierra Norte of Puebla, which also represent a range extension of 172 km from the only locality known in that state and representing the species´ northernmost distributional record.


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    Además de la determinación de glucosa en sangre en ayunas (FBG), la prueba de hemoglobinaglucosilada (HbA1c) es un indicador que evalúa el grado de control metabólico de todo pacientecon diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Aunque ambas pruebas se determinan rutinariamente en muchospaíses en el mundo, para el buen control metabólico del paciente diabético, en las instituciones desalud en México solo se basan en la prueba de FBG. Conocer si los pacientes con diabetes queacudían al Hospital No. 25, IMSS en Monterrey para su control clínico (después de una evaluaciónfísica basada solamente en la prueba de FBG), estuvieron bajo un buen o mal control metabólico.Se llevo a cabo un estudio de serie de casos en el cual se midieron las concentraciones de FBG yde HbA1c en 93 pacientes diabéticos bajo tratamiento (46 mujeres y 47 hombres, con un promediode edad de 54 años) que acudían a la consulta externa del Hospital No. 25. Para evaluar el nivelde control metabólico se usaron los criterios de la Asociación Americana de Diabetes (ADA) (lacual recomienda que los niveles de HbA1c deben ser mantenidos &lt; 7.0%) y el criterio Europeo(que recomienda que los niveles de HbA1c deben ser mantenidos &lt; 7.6%). Las determinaciones deFBG se realizaron en el Hospital No. 25 y las de HbA1c en el Centro de Investigación Biomédicadel Noreste (CIBIN). De acuerdo a la prueba de FBG, los médicos clínicos detectaron que el 52%de los pacientes tuvieron cifras 140 mg/dl (mal control metabólico). Por otro lado, utilizando laprueba de HbA1c, los 93 pacientes (100%) registraron niveles &gt; a 8.0%. La prueba de HbA1cmostró que todos los pacientes tuvieron un mal control metabólico. Por lo tanto, es prioritario quelas autoridades implementen rutinariamente la prueba de HbAc1 en las instituciones de salud deMéxico y especialmente en Nuevo León dado que este Estado posee la mayor tasa de mortalidadpor diabetes (45%) a nivel nacional.AbstractGlycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is a blood test that gives an estimate of the average blood sugar(glucose) for the previous three months. The fasting blood glucose (FBG) and HbA1cdeterminations give a well idea about the metabolic control of the diabetics. Both tests aredetermined routinely in many countries but into the Mexican Institutes of Health only the FBG test iscarried out for this purpose. The aim of this study was to know if non-insulin-dependent diabeticmellitus (NIDDM) outpatients attending in a clinical hospital of the IMSS after the physicianevaluation based only on the FBG test were under a good or bad metabolic control. At the sametime, we carried out the HbA1c test independently of the physician evaluation in order to know if theNIDDM patients were well evaluated. A serial case study was undertaken in which concentrations ofFBG and HbA1c were measured in 93 diabetics (under treatment) at the outpatient clinic of theIMSS in Monterrey, Mexico. A structured, self-administrated questionnaire was used to obtain dataon age, gender, duration of diabetes, a recent history of polydipsia, polyuria and polyphagia, height,weight, blood pressure, treatment kind, and BMI. The American Diabetic Association (ADA)(currently recommends that the HbA1c be maintained under 7.0%) and the European criteria(currently recommends that the HbA1c be maintained under 7.6%) were used to evaluate the levelof metabolic control. The 93 patients had HbA1C levels higher than 8.0% and FBG levels between63 and 300 mg/dl. According to ADA criteria and European criteria all the patients were out of goodmetabolic control. These points towards the HbA1c and FBG confirm the doubts about theusefulness of FBG values as a tool for assessing metabolic control. These results suggest a lowlevel in the practice of monitoring indicators in NIDDM. We suggest that the HbA1c test must betaken in account by the Mexican Institutes of Health to improve a better metabolic control in theirdiabetic patients.Palabras Clave: Diabetes, Tipo 2, Hemoglobina glucosilada, Diabetes, Type 2, Glycosylated hemoglobi